Thursday, 27 January 2011

ZK-ZQE B737-838 Qantas Jetconnect First Flight

L/N 3542 C/N 34185 B737-838 ZK-ZQE JETCONNECT
Dep RNT 13:57 PST Arr BFI 15:46 PST
Call Sign BOE570 Hex Code C81DD7
Named: William Pickering
Photo Credit: John (Photo taken at RNT whilst ground testing)


  1. Morning Dave thanks once again for your invaluable help for picking up the Hex Codes

  2. C81DD7 is ZK-ZQE. I also had it on the box. As C81DD7 is ZK-ZQE doesn't it add weight to my suggestion that sistership ZK-ZQD is actually C81DD6 and not the Australian hexcode as posted earlier?

  3. John you are correct with your suggestion that ZK-ZQD Hex Code is C81DD6, with your help the posting has been changed
    Many Thanks

  4. Hi Guys... new here and just monitoring acitivity... What are the HEX codes? ACARS?

  5. Hi Rod
    Thanks for visiting the Blog here is some basic info about Hex Codes.
    What is Mode-S/ADS-B - Hex Code
    Mode S is a Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) technique with a selective interrogation of aircraft with its unique 24-bit worldwide address. This enables a unique identification of aircraft removing the risk of confusion due to overlapping signals.
    Mode S operates in the same Radio Frequency (1030-1090 MHz) band as conventional SSR systems.
    Mode-S employs airborne transponders to provide altitude and identification data, with ADS-B adding global navigation data typically obtained from a GPS receiver
    The position and identification data supplied by Mode S/ADS-B broadcasts are available to pilots and air traffic controllers.
    Mode S/ADS-B data updates rapidly, is very accurate and provides pilots and air traffic controllers with common air situational awareness for enhanced safety, capacity and efficiency. Further, It can provide a cost-effective solution for surveillance coverage in non-radar airspace.
    In USA, Germany, Denmark, Canada the hex codes stays with the registration when the registration is re-used but in the UK the hex code stays with the aircraft if it is re-registered to another G- reg for example if a aircraft was re-registered from G-ABCD to G-WXYZ then the hex cod stays the same as the code stays with the aircraft.
    Different countries have different ways of allocating their Mode-S Hex Codes there is no worldwide standard operating proceedure.
