L/N 3 C/N 40692 B787-8 N787BX BOEING
Dep BFI 07:05 PST Arr YYZ 13:44 EST
Call Sign BOE787 Hex Code AAAAB6
The March schedule includes the following stops:
March 1-4: Toronto, Canada, to visit Air Canada and local suppliers.
March 4-5: Boston, Mass., in support of Japan Airlines, which has announced that it will offer 787 service on the Tokyo-Boston route.
March 5-7: Newark, N.J., to visit United Airlines and its local stakeholders.
March 7-9: Mexico City, Mexico, to visit Aero Mexico.
March 9-12: Phoenix, Ariz., to visit Honeywell, other suppliers and Boeing employees.
March 12-13: San Diego, Calif., to visit Goodrich and other suppliers.
March 13-15: Long Beach, Calif., to visit leasing companies, Boeing employees and suppliers.
March 15-16: Salt Lake City, Utah, to visit Boeing employees and suppliers.
Photo Credit: Drewski (Landing at BFI after a test flight)