Tuesday, 4 October 2011

N761BA (EI-EST) B737-8AS Ryanair First Flight

L/N 3804 C/N 34994 B737-8AS EI-EST RYANAIR
Dep RNT 11:08 PDT Arr BFI 13:06 PDT via PAE
Call Sign BOE629 Hex Code AA4559 (N761BA) to become 4CA97B
Aircraft was painted at Renton


  1. Thanks again Dave H for the info that this first flight was using N761BA Hex Code AA4559, today Weds 5th EI-ESR is test flying using Hex Code AA3B92 - N759BA.
    It appears they have to do at least one flight with the N - registration & Hex Code before reverting back to the Irish register before delivery, this is due to Ryanair selling the aircraft to a leasing company then leasing them back to Ryanair on delivery.

  2. are these actually flying on the N-reg? Photo proof? According to my sources they are allocated but not worn. Same thing happened with the THY B77W N-regs appearing on hex but they were actually flying as TC-.

    Photo proof pls.
