L/N 3494 C/N 39450 B737-8KG VH-VUY VIRGIN BLUE
Dep RNT 12:05 PST Arr BFI 14:18 PST via PAE
Call Sign BOE403 Hex Code 7C6D38 Sel-Cal CE-HQ
Photo Credit: Moonm (Performing a go around at PAE)
what does this new scheme look like? Soon as anyone knows please post ASAP. Whole of aussie spotters are waiting for this.
ReplyDeleteYes please post asap...
ReplyDeleteThere will be no new scheme on VH-VUY nor VH-VUZ. The first FACTORY aircraft with the new scheme will be VH-YFC.
ReplyDeleteVH-VUY and VUZ will be painted all white with no titles and deliver as such. A Virgin Blue decal will be applied at Brisbane and they will both enter service as such.
The rebranding has not yet been finalised but the name will likely to dropped in favour of something else and the new airline will of course feature a fresh livery as well.
Source: Virgin Blue ops.